Be seen with Nathan - Be seen with Nathan

Nathan Sports Soccer Sport Fitness

Marc-Andre Dugas |

Run. Walk. Be seen with Nathan light accessories®.

Walk. Run. Be seen sporting Nathan® visibility gear.

You like to run. You like to walk. We love you. Visible. We all love to run or walk, day or night. From dusk to dawn, be visible! Our Nathan visibility accessories are specifically designed to help minimize the risks associated with running and walking at night. Ideally, wear multiple light points and position them strategically on the parts of your body that are in motion. For example, attach the Hyper Brite Strobe Light to your belt to provide a continuous or flashing 20 lumen light. Add the LightBender headband to your arm and top it off with the Streak visibility vest. This will give you three-point visibility. Want more visibility or to see your route? Both the Nebula Fire headlamp and the Zephyr Fire walking and running torch, both designed specifically for runners and walkers, will more than satisfy your needs. Good luck and be visible!


You like to run. You like to walk. We love you. Visible. We all love to run and walk, all day and all night. From dusk till dawn, be visible! Our Nathan visibility and reflective gear are specifically designed to make us visible and contribute to reduce the risks associated with our night runs and walks. Wearing multiple reflective and visibility gear on moving body parts at all time increases visibility. For example, the Hyper Brite strobe light, fixed to your waist, will send a 20 lumens continuous or pulsatile light signal. Add the LightBender band to your arm and wear the Streak visibility vest. You will then obtain a three point visibility system. You want even more visibility or wish to see your path? Get the Nebula Fire head lamp and the Zephyr Fire running torch. Nathan gear will satisfy the most demanding runners. Run happily and stay visible!


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